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Total indicators assigned to members and support services.
Total indicators completed by members and support services.
Total percentage of indicators completed by members and support services.
Total completed indicators found to be in substantial compliance.
Total completed indicators found to be deficient.
Total % of completed indicators found to be in substantial compliance.
Simply click on a user's name on the list of users below and you will be presented with a list of all completed and outstanding indicators for a given user.
Simply click on the E or the number of indicators with a scope and severity of E. You will then be presented with all users and indicators that have scope and severity of E. You can click on any letter and see the results for a given letter.
Select your name and then click on the "incomplete" under the date column on the far right of the row. This will allow you to insert data to complete incomplete indicators.
Simply click on the calendar icon and select the optional dates an indicator could have been complete. Please note, you can only set the date to be a day that given user actually logged in.
Simply click on the view button to be instantly taken to the CMS-2567 that was reported for the given failed indicator.
Simply click on the magnifying glass icon and you will see a CMS-2567 for all of the findings for either the Members or Support Services.
In the top right of the page there is a date range filter where you can specify a date range to view your facility's data.